Macrophytobenthos biomass and its distribution along the western coast of the Crimean peninsula (Black Sea)


  • Irina K. Evstigneeva A.O. Kovalevsky Institute of Biology of the Southern Seas, Russian Academy of Sciences
  • Irina N. Tankovskaya A.O. Kovalevsky Institute of Biology of the Southern Seas, Russian Academy of Sciences



macrophytobenthos, biomass, spatial variability, western coast of Crimea, the Black Sea


The article presents the results of the study of macrophytobenthos biomass in six areas of the western coast of Crimea (the water areas of the Tyubek, Lukull, Vai Vai, Margopulo, Nemetskaya and Yazykovaya gullies). It was shown that in the communities of this region the key producer among the divisions is Oschorhota, among the species - Vertebrata subulifera, Ericaria crinita, Gongolaria barbata, Ceramium diaphanum and Phyllophora crispa. An uneven distribution of species and phytobenthos biomass in areas with different degrees of natural coastal processes and anthropogenic impact was noted. Peculiarities of algae biomass distribution of three divisions by depth were determined. It was found that the bathymetric changes in phytomass are more intense than from site to site. Shannon and Pielou indices were calculated to estimate species diversity and biomass uniformity. It was shown that the Pielou index in the protected areas is much closer to 1 than in the areas with high anthropogenic load. The average value of the Shannon index for the studied part of the phytale indicates some uniformity in the distribution of species in absolute phytomass at different depths. Statistical significance of differences in phytomass at different sites and depths was determined using Student's t-criterion. Based on relative phytomass data (%) and taking into account E.L. Lubarsky's scale, the degree of species quantitative dominance was estimated.


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How to Cite

Evstigneeva, I. K., & Tankovskaya, I. N. (2023). Macrophytobenthos biomass and its distribution along the western coast of the Crimean peninsula (Black Sea). Russian Journal of Applied Ecology, (1), 28–37.


